My clients are "cultural mystics," culture change agents, solo entrepreneurs, start-ups, upstarts, & renegades on a mission to think bigger, bigger, BIG.
They are actual, in-the-flesh thought leaders; they're shaking up their industries & rattling the status quo.
I help forward thinkers engage audiences through writing by turning:
instincts into ideas (collaborative brainstorming);
inklings into organization (outline, Table of Contents, chapter-by-chapter breakdown);
lived experiences into damn good writing that gets them noticed—moving my clients to the next stage in life & career by spreading messages that matter.
Projects range from century-spanning memoirs that include documentary film elements, to books for organizational leaders out to save the world.
I advise clients on:
craft: narrative, theme, tone, structure, style, and story—all the necessary (and juicy) elements of good writing;
the publishing process, including traditional proposals to agents and publishers;
self-publishing in the digital sphere;
and crowdsourcing for feedback through the editing and publishing cycle, including prototyping new forms (e.g., multi-media projects) before official launch.
My clients are bestsellers on the New York Time's & Washington Post's bestseller lists, and I’ve helped them place work in highly ranked publications like Forbes, Harvard Business Review, & Fast Company.
A sampling of my professional writing can be found in the forthcoming graphic book, Grand Challenge: How Leaders Grow their Businesses by Addressing the World’s Most Intractable Problems with stellar visionary, and thought leader, Seth Kahan; in Spanda Journal (2017 Vol II,I) in collaboration with world-renowned integral spiritual teacher and contemporary mystic, Thomas Hübl; in the May 2017 print volume of Kosmos Journal; and in Hübl’s forthcoming, Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Collective Wounds (Sounds True, 2020)